Friday, January 25, 2013

Rosewall Creek

At the end of December I was out walking the trails at Rosewall Creek when I came across these birds...I was amazed at how well the eagle can camouflage it's self.  In the photos is a speckled redheaded woodpecker, a juvenile eagle seen camouflaged in the tree and of course the bald eagle.


  1. Thanks for stopping by Driller's Place. Very nicely captured birds of prey. I don't really consider myself a birder, because I don't make a special effort to photograph the birds. I just happen to work near a place that the hawk uses to hunt and I keep my camera close by. The bald eagle landed in the same tree on morning. That has NEVER happened before. I do like birds of prey and we do have a couple of feeders in our back yard that are visited by cardinals and other forest birds. Have a blessed week-end.

  2. Great shots of the eagles and woodpecker. The last shot is my favorite but they're all great.

  3. What fun. Seeing birds and taking pictures...:)

  4. What a great group of birds to stumble upon!
