Monday, June 1, 2009

Brown-Headed Cowbird (male)

These are rather interesting birds and I am not so sure after reading about them that I like the idea of having them around. They say cowbirds historically would follow the bison, feeding off the insects that associated with the huge herds. Since their food source was mobile, these birds divised a way of raising a family without having to settle down. They would deposite their eggs in other birds' nests, they found other species would raise their offspring at the deterement of their own eggs. No longer capable of making their own nest, cowbirds rely completely on other birds to raise their young. They prey upon species that had no previous contact with them and thus have added another pressure to songbirds that are struggling to survive(Birds of Coastal British Columbia, by Nancy Baron & John Acorn).

Golden-Crowned Sparrow


  1. The cowbirds' way seems a little like cheating doesn't it? But I think it's pretty interesting adaptation.

  2. My goodness what an interesting explanation. We do see these birds here and I often wondered how their parasitic lifestyle began.

  3. They remove the cowbird eggs from the endangered kirtland warbler's nests - the poor birds have enough to content with besides raising a big ole cowbird - lol! Liked the photo of that golden crowned sparrow - he's a cutie with that splash of yellow.

  4. Love all your birds on this blog. That cow bird has learnt how to adapt but seems a bit sad for the endangered birds. I've just been watching the doco on Charles Darwin and his theory of the survival of the fitest. Your story sounds like an example of this theory.

  5. I have seen some cowbirds at my feeder lately as well. I am also worried as I have some bluebirds nesting in a box. I hope the darn cowbird does not ruin the beautiful blue babies I am expecting this year. I've waited and waited for someone to take up residence in that box!!

  6. I always think it is strange that other birds don't know the eggs don't belong to them. Such an odd habit. I see Cowbirds here, but haven't seen any babies with another bird feeding them yet. Love that Golden Crowned Sparrow...haven't seen one of those yet.

  7. the cow bird looks almost like the crow, doesnt it?????
